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Writer's pictureAlexandra Jensen


As a Christ follower, you are a wildflower. Believe in this truth: you give oxygen to the world. This oxygen is Christ in you. You impart it to your children, your husband, your family, and your friends. You impart Christ’s life-giving presence everywhere you go.

Thanksgiving purifies our lives. It purifies the oxygen we submit to everyone we encounter. We want to produce the element of Christ in its purest, most basic atomic form. Love your family fiercely, give thanks for every little detail, and build other mamas up in the way that you crave to be encouraged. Let every emission of oxygen you produce praise the Lord.

There is a sign in my daughter’s room that says, “In a field of roses, she is a wildflower.” Live life as a wildflower, an heir of Christ. Walk with your head held high, and humbly plant yourself where grass and weeds grow. Come to know Jesus on a deeply personal level and connect with his source of life each day through God’s Word. 

It is an honor and a privilege to be the mothers of our little ones. Let’s cherish each day and flourish right where we’re at. In the ordinary, monotonous, and even the mundane, let’s proclaim Christ’s holy name through hearts oriented toward gratitude. Let’s remain fixated on the fact that Jesus Christ is our sunlight.

You may not be a cookie-cutter rose of sorts. But, in a field of roses, you certainly, assuredly, absolutely are a wildflower. God crafted you uniquely, specially, spectacularly in his image, according to his master plan. Your location is strategic and although it might seem like you landed in your life by chance, God knew exactly where you were supposed to be rooted before time began. We can rest in the arms of his plans, and fall back on the fact that he is a good Heavenly Father. He delights in us. May we delight in him in return.

Proverbs 17:22 says, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” May we cultivate cheerful hearts in spite of the rugged wilderness that surrounds us and realize the fact that Jesus takes care of our every need. Emotionally, physically, and spiritually, Jesus cares for us. He is our Heavenly Father, the Master Gardener who loves us above all of his creation. We are his prized possession. May we dance in the breeze and exude the radiance of our internal beauty. With mindsets blossoming with gratitude, hearts blooming with joy, and spirits of efflorescent peace, may we humbly submit to God’s Word and will. Through steadfast obedience and persistent prayer, let’s constantly praise Jesus for every little bud of hope unfolding in our lives.

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