So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body, because I know that I will soon put it aside, as our Lord Jesus Christ has made clear to me. And I will make every effort to see that after my departure you will always be able to remember these things. 2 Peter 1:12-15
Many moms choose to “whiteout” the busy years. They remember the way that their struggles with their toddlers made them feel. Therefore, they choose to forget the little details rather than cherish them.
I want to remember. I want to remember, so that I remember to give God glory for getting me through it. Being a mom of littles is not a slice of cheesecake, but we can learn to enjoy the jostley ride. We can look back, remember the potholes and joys along the way and say with full confidence, “God made a way.” He always does, and he forever will provide for our every need.
There is an assortment of monuments and memorials to be found in the Bible that served the purpose of helping Biblical characters remember the Lord God. The very first monument was erected by Jacob after having a prophetic dream. As a form of worship and praise, he consecrated the stone on which he slept (Genesis 28:10-22).
Another monument of sorts that we practice today is The Lord’s Supper. We take the elements of bread and wine, (which is usually glorified grape juice,) in remembrance of Jesus.
The cross is a memorial that we often wear around our necks, wrists, or fingers, and hang up in our homes, that is symbolic to all that Christ accomplished through his crucifixion, on the hill of Golgotha.
Let’s not take for granted all that Jesus went through to pave a way for us to receive eternal life. Let’s not take for granted motherhood, one of life’s greatest blessings, that also has some incredibly challenging moments.
The next time your toddler flushes toys down the toilet, decides to play in the dog's poop, or worse, remind yourself: these things are small potatoes. Someday you will look back and laugh at it all. You will long to relive these sweet little years. So don’t take a single second for granted. You’re gonna miss this.
Dear Jesus,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for every little second of motherhood, even the hiccups along the way. I praise you for your hand of ultimate protection over me and my children’s lives. I pray that they receive you someday, Jesus. Help me to be a light in their lives. In Jesus’ illuminating name, amen.
Steps of Faith:
Keep an album on your phone for each one of your children that you add precious moments to frequently. Not great about photographing? Make a shared album for each child, so that you and your spouse can both add photos of their growing up years.