This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe. There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Romans 3:22-24
Sometimes I wonder if I'm a good mom. It's easy to look around and think that everyone else is doing a better job when Facebook and Instagram portray Pinterest-Esque perfection. It's easy to start keeping a mental scoreboard in my mind and think of being a good mom like a checklist. But I know for certain that our faith is not based on works, and neither is being a good mom.
For believers in Christ Jesus, being a good mom revolves around our faith in Jesus and is not dependent on any sort of checklist. While I do think I could be a little more consistent with reading the Bible to my kids and praying, I also know that I am doing the best I can with the time I have and trying to be intentional with my kids.
I can't help but believe that God notices my heart. And he notices yours. He is able to multiply the sacrifices we make and the time we set aside to draw near to him. He is working in our children's hearts. The Salvation of our children will be a miracle committed by the Holy Spirit, outside of our control. While we do want to steer our kids toward Jesus, trusting and loving God, we need to be careful that we are not steering in our own strength but relying on the power of the Holy Spirit.
Discipling kids is tough. Disciplining kids is even tougher. But if we make it our goal to teach our kids and point them toward Jesus in the process, then we have successfully discipled our kids through godly discipline. The point is not to get our kids to behave like little toy robots but to help them realize their sins for themselves and want to do better because they trust and believe in Jesus. When kids believe in Jesus, they grow to love him; they grow up to live for him.
Being a good mom has to do with demonstrating God's love more than anything else. Being a good mom means purifying our hearts first and foremost, drawing from the well of God's grace so we can lavish his love and light over our children's lives. Being a good mom means stepping into the grace of God and ushering it into our children's hearts through influence. They are watching the way we live our lives as a representation of Christ more than the words we preach. Teach your kids about God's love by becoming a woman after God's own heart.
Pursue the Lord daily. Invite His Holy Presence into your life. Adopt his patience and live from the source of his grace. Discipline your kids from a place of love and not anger. Persistently pray for the Salvation of your children. Pray for them to grow up to be godly men and women and spiritual leaders. Pray for your husband to lead your children toward Jesus as well. Model to your daughter what it looks like to be a godly wife. Obey God and do what is right in His eyes, even when it's hard. Obedience is a demonstration of faith. A good mom is a faithful mom—full of trust, confidence in, and overflowing love for Jesus.