They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.” But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.” Nehemiah 6:9
Nehemiah’s plans were to honor and glorify God with his life. God placed a task in Nehemiah’s hands to complete in restoring Jerusalem. Even so, his attempts to honor the Lord and carry out his Kingdom purposes were not met without opposition and ridicule.
What does this mean for us today? In carrying out Christ’s plans for our lives, in loving and living for Jesus, we will be confronted with enemies. There will be people who oppose God’s plans for our lives. We will have trouble (John 16:33). We will face persecution (John 15:18-20).
The good news is that God will strengthen our hands. He will give us faith-fortification, wisdom, direction, and words to say. Jesus will lead us through all that he has called us to.
When you are living for God and face opposition, know that there is strength to be found in struggle. Christ’s power meets us when we fall short and depend on him. Cry out to Jesus through the opposition. Seek Jesus through the struggle. Your faith will be solidified. You will be able to move mountains and rebuild walls when you do.
Tree roots become strengthened by enduring strong winds and storms. In this same way, our faith can grow stronger when we lean into Jesus through the struggles and trials of life. We will walk through dark valleys and experience “shadow of death” seasons, but with Christ, we can still have hope. The good Shepherd is leading us to places of life and abundance. His plans are ultimately good (Jeremiah 29:11). Although this does not make our struggles any easier, we have the secret weapon of hope to hold onto. We know that the Lord is strengthening us through our storms. That is why we can remain standing through it all. Jesus is the strength of our souls.
In the last verse in the book of Nehemiah, we can hear the ultimate cry of Nehemiah’s heart: “Remember me, O my God, for good!” (Nehemiah 13:31). Similar to Nehemiah, I want to be used by Jesus for Christ’s Kingdom building plans. I want the Lord to remember my efforts and call them good. I want my Shepherd to be able to one day say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”
Let’s go all in and live for Jesus. Let’s multiply the talents he has given us. Let’s use our time, passions, and resources for God’s glory. There will be struggle, but your heart will be strengthened with the presence of the Living God. Jesus’ power will meet you and give you the ability to persevere in faith. Cry out to Jesus. Confront and pursue all that the Lord has called you to.
Dear Jesus,
Make me a vessel. Make my life an offering. I want to adore you in everything that I do. I want my life to reflect your glory and bring honor to your name. Show me the way. Explain to me what I need to do. Give me the courage to step into your plans and purposes for my life. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.
Steps of Faith:
Go to God in prayer and ask him to lay a specific task or person on your heart that you are meant to influence for Jesus’ namesake.
A Place of Grace for Moms of Littles: Live Sanctified and Set Free through Christ in the Midst of Crazy, Busy Mom Life 📣 is my next book soon to be published! It was written for moms of little ones who are in desperate need of God's grace to be present and flowing throughout their daily lives. The book comes alongside mamas and encourages women toward Jesus. Join me in launching this book into the world so that it blesses mama's hearts and points ladies to the source of Grace itself.💘 Join my Facebook Book Launch Team for chances to win a lot of cool stuff and the most recent updates:
What a wonderful encouragement! I love the book of Nehemiah!
Good word, sis. Needed this today. Teaching about grace tonight, and all I can see is my lack of grace. God is merciful. Thank you for your writing. May God continue to use you greatly. Gina