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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Jensen

A Sharpening Task

As iron sharpens iron,

so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

I am grateful for the little people in my life who sharpen me. They demand I set aside things that I am inclined to turn to, and require I look upon their shining faces and give them my full attention instead. I am thankful for the little people God has planted before me. They grace my life and add so much laughter and light. I am grateful for the little people in my life who call me “mommy.” So incredibly thankful.

Being a mom is challenging. This may be the understatement of the century. Let me rephrase. Being a mom is an Apollo mission. It requires all of us; all of our heart, soul, and strength.

I know that God designed motherhood to be this way. He created motherhood to turn us inside out. Motherhood requires us to yield our lives and forfeit some of our creature comforts for the betterment of our children. It requires us to lay down some of our blessings in order to bless the lives of our little ones. Motherhood wakes us from our bed of roses, and demands we pick up our mats and travel beyond the borders of easy, quiet, and comfortable in our daily lives.

Being a mom is a selfless task. It requires us to step out of the spotlight and serve backstage. It requires us to push past our dreams and desires, and help our little aspiring actors and actresses shoot for the stars.

Will our own dreams and life plans dissolve? -No. But some seasons in life require us to look not only to our needs, but also to the needs of others. Motherhood is certainly one of these seasons; but according to the apostle Paul, we are to maintain this selfless mindset throughout the course of our entire lives. We must lend a hand when God calls us to aid and pursue the interests and God-dreams of others.

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:4

Your children are watching you. They are taking notes, no doubt. I want my children’s notes to have scribbles of the cross, and pictures of mommy holding Jesus’ hand all over them. I want them to become confident, Christ driven people who lead others to Jesus along the way.

I must model these godly attributes in my own life, for my children to see. I must read my Bible and pray. I must lead my children to Jesus, each day.

I am so incredibly thankful for the role I get to play. Leading and feeding my children is a blessing. Children are a heritage, a gift from the Lord (Psalm 127:3).

Jesus wants all of me. He wants all of my heart, mind, soul and strength to be fixated and focused on the gifts he has given me to further his Kingdom. Being a godly mom is certainly one of the most precious gifts he has given me, but I must be careful to not discount the fact that my identity is rooted in Christ alone.

Don’t let motherhood become your idol. Serve the Lord in all things. Look to Jesus to fulfill your every need. Let your sense of self fall into the arms of Jesus. Be embraced by his tender love and care. Let his confident peace cover and carry you, as a daughter of the King.

Shoulder the cross of Christ throughout motherhood. Don’t lose sight of the example you are setting, the impact you are making, and the eternities that are changing because of Jesus Christ in you.

Keep in mind, your children are still watching, memorizing, and mimicking your moves, even when you are not wearing your “Mama” cap. Represent Jesus well.

Stand on Christ as the solid rock of your foundation. Continue to depend on Jesus for your daily bread.

I know that some moments of motherhood seem like tidal waves crashing, but depend on Christ’s grace, compassion, and his God-instilled sense of joy to allow you to float. Let the current of the ultimate hope we have in Jesus carry you downstream, out of the storm.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

Draw sustenance from your Bible and through prayer. Motherhood was never meant to be easy; it is meant to make us more holy, to rid us of ourselves, and draw us closer to Christ’s love and kindness.

Lean in on Jesus’ strength when you feel depleted. Present to him your desperate need. Be thankful for the way he fills your cup. Seek him, and he will do this for you.

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

Chase after Jesus and connect with God’s heart, each day. It will make you a better mom and provide you with strength and wisdom along the way. Seek after and follow Jesus. He wants to take you by the hand. Allow the Creator to intertwine his heart with your own.

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

Steps of Faith:

  • The next time the clouds well up and tears fall from the sky, say a silent prayer thanking Jesus for the rain and the ultimate hope we have for a rainbow after our storms. Because of our Salvation and the assurance of everlasting life through Christ Jesus our Lord, we can have confident peace and radiant hope through the everchanging seasons of life. Even when it rains, allow Christ’s umbrella of confident hope to gracefully cover you.

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Ela Alvarado
Ela Alvarado

"Let your sense of self fall into the arms of Jesus" - wow. such beautiful, raw words on how motherhood is a gift to model Christ to children and the importance to not let our sense of self fall into motherhood, but on our Savior. Thank you for sharing!

Alexandra Jensen
Alexandra Jensen

Yes, I think it's easy to place our identity on earthly things instead of relying on our Lord and Savior to define us, always. This is a challenge in motherhood and all seasons of life. We must look to the Lord, inhale and exhale God's life giving grace in the matter that proclaims us daughters of the King. <3

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