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Live Chosen

Writer's picture: Alexandra JensenAlexandra Jensen

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

There’s been many times in my life I’ve felt far from chosen. I can remember as early as Elementary school being picked in the final rounds for kickball. My mom signed me up for a modeling summer camp in high school. I was told early on that I would never be tall enough to be an actual runway model. In seventh grade, I was not picked for the A, B, or C team for school volleyball. I participated in what was peer-coined, “Saturday League.” My junior year of high school hit me with a devastating blow when I did not make the cheerleading squad. I was turned down by countless publishers in the early stages of my writing journey. As a new mom, I often felt overlooked, isolated, and alone.

In the aftermath of each of my devastations, I have always been met with an echoing truth. God sees me. He has hand picked me for his Kingdom purposes. Whether or not I realized it through the blur of tears, I have never once been set aside, but have always been set apart.

The same is true with you, my dear. In whatever you are going through and facing today, God has selected you for a specific, special purpose that only you can carry out.

In all your moments of waiting, praying, hoping, dreaming, and crying out to Jesus when life doesn’t dispense the promised prize in exchange for the coins you so carefully counted and intentionally inserted, God has been there. He has felt the sting of your blow. He knows the heat of your flushed face and has counted your every tear.

So why?

Why would God allow such devastation and pain to transpire? -For you to depend on him, and realize your desperate need for Jesus.

We all have a God shaped hole inside of us that only Christ can fill. When we strive to fill our holes with things of the world, we run into a square peg and round hole scenario.

Things of the world cannot fill a void that exists in the spiritual realm. People, relationships, and successes cannot quench the parched longings of our souls. Tangible things, achievements, and worldly acceptance will never be able to fix our broken hearts.

We will continue to come up empty, until we draw from the well of Christ’s Living Water. It is the only thing that can heal, fill, and satisfy the innermost longings of our spirits.

Maybe you are struggling as a new mom. Maybe you are a more seasoned mom, still struggling. I have found that as moms our struggles often don’t go away, but many times metamorph into new monsters.

Jesus is the answer. He is the Truth, the antidote to the toxic lies we buy into, the cure for the murmur that exists in our insufficient hearts.

Jesus is the nourishment our children need. In whatever motherhood trials you face, the day in, day out battles, the health crisis, the heart crisis, the terrible twos (or threes)… whatever it is for you, take it to Jesus. Nail it to the cross. Lean in and depend on Jesus through prayer.

Jesus sees you mama. He hears your every need. Pour your heart out to Jesus, for he cares for you.

More than anything, Jesus desires a closeness, an eternal bond, a relationship with us. Relationships require communication. The number one reason marriages fall apart is lack of communication. Jesus will never leave or forsake you, but his desire is for you. He desires your time, heart, and attention. Raise your hallelujahs and your hurts to the God who sees, heals, and rearranges our broken pieces into brilliant, beautiful testimonies. Our testimonies have the God orchestrated ability to bring hope and shed light into the lives of others.

Despite your past, despite your future, despite your current circumstances and struggles, lean into Jesus. His heart is for you. He goes before you. His grace is sufficient for you.

Live chosen.

Steps of Faith:

  • Have you been dependent on circumstances to define your happiness? Through Christ we can have joy despite our circumstances. Recite this prayer. Let it sink down deep into your heart, and choose to live chosen today.

“Jesus, today I choose to worship you. Despite my surroundings, despite my circumstances, despite my struggles, I choose to honor and praise you with my life. Because of the cross of Christ, I look forward to the rainbow of Heaven. Jesus, you are my ultimate hope, my light in the dark, my freedom song. I trust you alone. Help me to live chosen today; free from my past, free from my shame, free from my failures and shortcomings. Thank you for your forgiveness, for setting me free to live and love abundantly. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.”

Check out my book! The Meaning of Motherhood

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