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  • Writer's pictureAlexandra Jensen

Press In

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9

Jesus is the answer. He is the answer to our pain, the answer to our struggle, the answer to our purpose, the answer to our heartache.


He has the ability to connect the dots in our lives that enable us to experience “Aha!” moments through scripture. He has the ability to heal our brokenness, and seal our gaping wounds. Jesus has the ability to restore. In whatever you walk through today, press into Jesus, for he cares for you.

Jesus, open the eyes of our hearts so that we can gain purpose, glean wisdom, and accumulate insight through the wonder working power of your presence in our daily lives and difficult circumstances. Amen

We all walk through death, experience tragedies, and wade through sorrows in our lives. We can all relate to these tumultuous trials in some way, shape, or form. An alarm sounds in the back of our minds, a blaring siren, that recalls these difficult seasons that haunt and threaten to encapsulate us in a wave of remembering, an undertow of regret. But, many times, we can look back and see the wonder-working power of the cross in our lives, orchestrated through these difficult chapters. Jesus was somehow glorified; our relationships with him were renewed and restored through these dark valleys.

In the early days of my writing career, I made little to no money. Some years, I spent more money to fund my writing endeavors than what I actually made. Yet, I could not snuff out the spark of passion God had placed inside of me. I did try for a period of time, as my logic reasoned it was a waste of time. But one day, I could sense my Savior saying to me, “Keep on writing for me like it’s your job.” There was no promise attached to this mandate, but I have been called, and am going to walk in obedience mountain high or valley low in my writing career.

Oftentimes in scripture, obedience precedes miracles. I am leaning in on this truth, pressing through the darkness, writing in faith with an expectant heart, knowing the Lord is able to do big things with my little pen. I write not for fame or monetary gain, but to glorify God and make Jesus' name known; to draw my heart closer to his own.

When your situation seems hopeless, useless, and less than, know that you serve a God who is greater than. He is greater than your weakness. He is greater than your ideal self. He is greater than your pain, and struggle.

When you become helpless, or circumstances surround you in a sea of darkness, look for the light. God is still good. (Even when our situations stink.) And sometimes they do! As moms, we struggle just like anybody else. We struggle with purpose, identity, self value, and wanting to be recognized and appreciated for all that we do.

God is still good. His purposes are pure. God wants to walk us through a refining process through motherhood that draws us closer to his heart.

When we wrap our arms around Jesus, we become in touch and in tune with the heartbeat of God. We can feel his heart beating throughout our lives when we press into Jesus through God’s Word, avid prayer, and giving thanks, dwelling on all that is pure, lovely, admirable, true, noble, and right (Philippians 4:8). Press into Jesus, and feel the rhythm of God's heart beating throughout your life.

You are a chosen, royal priesthood; a daughter of the King. Put on your crown, set your hands to the task, and press into all that the Lord God has for you.

Steps of Faith:

  • What area of your life do you need to surrender over to Jesus?

  • In what way has God called you for His Kingdom purposes? How can you make Jesus’ name known?

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