For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:12
We are fully known and fully loved. We may not always be able to comprehend the fullness of God’s plans, but we can find solace in the promise that God confides in the full picture. He created the masterpiece of our lives far in advance, so that we could walk through life set free. We are no longer condemned to live within the canvas walls of a painting that is lacking. Instead, we have been washed, sanctified, justified, and set free to declare the praises of our God who called us out of darkness, into the light of being known and loved, fully.
We can walk confidently, exuding the fact that Jesus knows us, loves us, and has good plans for us. Even when we walk through dark valleys and experience challenging days, we can draw from the well of Christ’s grace within the depths of our hearts. When we live from the source of Christ’s grace and realize that we don’t have to be perfect, put together, or Pinterestesque, we are able to lavish this same grace on others in our lives. When we live from the place of 1 Corinthians 13:12, knowing that we are fully known and fully loved, flaws and all, we are better able to accept others and see their hearts.
We are not the sum of our mistakes. We will mess up. We will sin. But when we live from the place of comprehending that we are known fully and still completely loved, we draw from God's amazing grace. God’s grace changes things. It alters our perspective, enabling us to approach life through the lens of Christ’s love. His kindness, compassion, and genuine care are what this world so desperately needs. Let’s lavish Christ’s love on our children, families, and a hurting world, longing for a Savior. Let’s live from the source of God’s love and grace, so that graceful things flow out of us freely.
We are incapable of living godly lives apart from Christ, but when we abide in him, his love trumps our shortcomings. His grace carries us. His kindness lifts up our chins. His compassion meets our gaze.
God sees us. He is El Roi, the God who sees, and cares. In whatever struggle you wade through today, let Christ’s love find you, draw you out and declare the truth over your life: You are fully known and fully loved. Lean into that truth today. Let it comfort you and carry you when nothing else does.
God’s love is more than enough. God’s love is abundant, everlasting, and unfailing. It is redeeming, faithful, and true. Let’s find grace, freedom, and peace in the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). His love set us free. Grasp onto that freedom today. Let your Love, Lord, and Savior breathe this truth over your life. You are found, held, and dearly loved by a God who sees you and cares.
El Roi whispers his love into your life everyday, in a million different ways. Find comfort in his love. Find rest in his grace. Find peace in his completeness. You are fully known and fully loved by the Lord above.
“God’s love is more than enough.” Amen!! Beautifully written!
Such a beautifully written encouragement. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gift of words. 🩷
When we know God sees us and intervenes on our behalf we can live loved. Beautiful reminder ❤️
This statement: “We are not the sum of our mistakes. We will mess up. We will sin. But when we live from the place of comprehending that we are known fully and still completely loved, we draw from God's amazing grace.” So true! Thanks for the encouraging post.